Friday, May 29, 2009

Windows flavor in Linux, YUM

Linux is bad for naive users especially while installing new software. You always see some dependency missing and all. That's what I used to think. But no more. Linux has given a break from messy-dirty way of installing a software to a very very clean and simple way.

Yes, it's by Fedora 9(New name for good old Redhat), and it's called YUM.
Yum makes installing new RPM(Redhat Packet Manager) butter smooth and a slightly simpler than Windows.
All Yum demands is an Internet connection and lo, you are done.

Just download your desired RPM and specify it to yum like this:

$yum install my.rpm

After asking you for a 'YES', it will take care of everything.

Simple right!


Ankur Baranwal said...

I thought apt-get worked on Fedora too...
Anyway, there are some other tools for rpm too:

Bluehive said...

Yes. I installed apt-get on FC9 and it works fine. Thanks for the tip :-)