Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Terminal problem with csh/ksh

If you are a bash addict and you have to work in csh/ksh; you may face terminal problem with csh/ksh while using vi/more or any such command. vi expects complete knowledge of the terminal where it's going to display its contents. There is a simple way to fix it.

1. First get the shell type by: $echo $SHELL
This is just to confirm that you are in csh/ksh.

2. Figure out what is the terminal type. If you do not know then ask your system administrator.

3. If you can't, that's also okay. :-) We'll try to use default terminal emulator type called "vt100".

4. Now you need to export the terminal type to your csh/ksh.
$setenv TERM vt100

5. There you go. Try to open a vi session.

Let me know if you face any issue.

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